
Radio Regent News and Views - August 6th, 2021

In this episode of Radio Regent News and Views, we hear two reports by student groups currently working at Focus Media. Each summer, youth community members are welcomed into the Centre, given access to multi-media technology and encouraged to create content with a local community news emphasis. on today’s show, one group interviews Liberal Member of Parliament for Toronto Centre, Marci Ien, about homelessness in the community; and another group presents a report on the state of maintenance and general safety in St. Jamestown residential buildings. In addition, we’ll hear a migrant worker tell his story of being wrongfully repatriated to his country of origin, unfortunately an all-too common occurrence in Canada.

Radio Regent News & Views - June 16th, 2021

In this episode of Radio Regent News and Views, we present excerpts from two community current events radio shows created by summer student staff at the Focus Media Arts Centre in Regent Park, including excellent interviews with a person with disabilities and a community youth worker; we’ll hear the question/answer segment form a recent online forum in which local community members engaged with representatives from organizations collaborating on phases four and five of the Regent Park revitalization; and David Wall speaks to Lori, a Windsor - based nurse who volunteers supporting migrant workers in Leemington, Ontario. 

Radio Regent News & Views (June 11, 2021)

In this episode of Radio Regent News and Views, journalist Nea Maaty discusses the efficacy of online learning during Covid with educator Thorn Rox Hayward and students of St Jamestown’s Rose Avenue School; Professor Ian Williams continues his interview with award-winning poet, academic and memoirist Jordan Abel about his latest hybrid memoir, Nishga; and David Wall speaks to York University Psychology Professor Michaela Hynie about the social determinants of mental health in refugee and migrant populations.    

Radio Regent News & Views - April 9th, 2021

In this episode of Radio Regent News and Views, David Wall speaks to Nadjla Banaei, a Client Care Coordinator at the South Riverdale Comunity Health Centre about her ongoing advocacy for Ontario’s uninsured; we’ll hear an interview with project leads Denise Soueidan O’Leary and Thomas Linder about the Community Wealth Feasability Project, a research initiative exploring the potential for the development of a new sustainable economic model for Regent Park; and the people at Focus Media in Regent Park answer important questions on the minds of many about the Covid vaccine.

Radio Regent News & Views - March 12th, 2021

 In theis episode of Radio regent News and Views, Journalist Georgie Alford talks to Rowena Pinto, Chief Program Officer of Unicef Canada about a number of issues, including systematic racism, gender inequity and Child Marriages; and David Wall welcomes activist Gabriel Allahdua back to the show to continue their discussion about the struggles of migrant workers in Canada, this time focussing on the specific effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Radio Regent News & Views - Februrary 11th, 2021

In this episode of Radio Regent News and Views, we present a report on the COVID testing going on in St. Jamestown, Toronto, at the The Corner, a community hub in the area. In the report, we’ll hear interviews with Doctor Warda Iqbal, a family physician at the Sherbourne Health Centre and Shova Adhikari, a St. Jamestown area Community Engagement Facilitator; We’ll also hear an excerpt from a webinar, first presented by The Leap, a Canada based, internationally recognized organization dedicated to examining and acting in light of the climate crisis and its intersectionality with multiple issues. The webinar, hosted by Leap founder Avi Lewis, is entitled From Scarcity to Sovereignty: Food in a Time of Pandemic and features Raj Patel, author of Stuffed and Starved, film-maker, academic; Dawn Morrison, Secwepemc Nation, Founder/Curator of Research and Relationships of the Working Group on Indigenous Food Sovereignty; Evelyn Encalada Grez, Co-Founder of Justicia/Justice for Mi...

Radio Regent News & Views - (01-15-2021)

In this episode of Radio Regent News and Views, journalist Dimitrije Martinovic interviews David Reycraft, Director of Housing at Dixon Hall in Regent Park, regarding the housing crisis in Toronto and how it’s being shaped by the Covid-19 pandemic; and David Wall has a discussion with journalist, activist, professor and music aficionado Avi Lewis about the events unfolding in the U.S. in the wake of last week’s unprecedented attack on the Capital, among other topics.

Radio Regent - News and Views (Jan 1st, 2021)

In this episode of Radio Regent News and Views, we focus on volunteer activism in increasingly challenging times. We’ll hear two interviews conducted by Justice for Migrant Workers volunteer Fabio Heredia Casalins with people working with Food Share to bring highly needed resources to migrant workers and other marginalized communities; and we’ll hear a conversation between journalist Minerva Navasca and youth activist Dominique about the continuing importance of the Black Lives Matter movement and how young people are a vital part of the struggle.

Radio Regent News & Views - December 11th, 2020

 In this episode of Radio Regent News and Views, journalist and Justice for Migrant Workers volunteer Fabio Heredia Casalins interviews food justice advocate Leslie Campbell about Foodshare, an organization dedicated to supporting populations facing food insecurity, including Canada’s migrant workers; journalist Dimitrije Martinovic speaks to Murshida Mueen and Ines Garcia, two Regent Park residents currently involved in the ongoing Evaluation Bench Mark process for the City of Toronto’s Regent Park Social Development Plan; and we’ll hear remarks made by Regent Park Neighborhood Association representatives Marlene DeGenova and Gail Lynch, City Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, as well as Mitchell Cohen of the Daniels Corporation during a town hall held on November 24th, 2020, co-hosted by the RPNA and the Daniels Corporation. The town hall was arranged in the wake of a horrific anti-black racist incident that occured in June of 2020 on a Daniels construction site in Regent...

Radio Regent News & View - Decembeber 4th, 2020

 In this episode of Radio Regent News and Views , journalist Ayesha Khan interviews Ayesha Amin, a community researcher with the SDP Employment and Economic Development Working Group, about the state of employment in Regent Park; we present a second excerpt from a recent online discussion featuring academic/writer/activists Naomi Klein, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor and Astra Taylor, regarding paths forward for America’s left in a post-Trump world; and journalist Minerva Nevasca asks the question “To Work or Not to Work; Youth Employment in a Pandemic.”

Radio Regent News & Views - November 20th, 2020

In this episode of Radio Regent News and Views, we hear remarks from author, activist and academic Naomi Klein from a recent online discussion, entitled "Where Do We Go From Here?" exploring paths forward for the American left after the US election; journalist Dmitrije Martinovic interviews Andrew Lochhead, founder of a petition to rename Toronto’s Dundas Street; and migrant worker Paul tells a harrowing story of struggles he has faced over the last year in Leemington, Ontario.

Radio Regent News & Views - November 13th, 2020

In this episode of Radio Regent News and Views, journalist Minerva Navasca talks to University of Toronto History Professor Max Mishler about the exclusion of curriculum reflecting the lives and histories of Black people, Indigenous people and People of Colour from Canadian classrooms; Journalist Fabio Herediac discusses police defunding and other issues with City Councillor Kristyn Wong Tam; and David Wall interviews Gillian, a nanny from the Philippines who has had a particularly harrowing time in Canada.

Radio Regent News & Views - 10/16/2020

 In this episode of Radio Regent News and Views, David Wall speaks to Joan, an activist and volunteer with Justice for Migrant workers about her important work delivering clothing and food to migrant workers in Leemington, Ontario; Ibby Albazz brings us a report about how environmentalism and activism around Climate Change have taken a bit of a back seat to COVID 19 concerns; Talha Hashmani and Masih K bring us part two of their report on the impact that COVID 19 has had on the world of human trafficking; and we hear a second excerpt from a recent conversation between author Johann Hari and writer/activist Naomi Klein about Donald Trump’s shock election politics.

Radio Regent News & Views - October 9th, 2020

 In this episode of Radio Regent News and Views, David Wall interviews academic and activist Salmaan Khan about the roots of racism in capitalist society and its connection to the legacy of migrant worker exploitation in Canada; Focus Media Arts Centre Video Journalist Dimitrije Martinovic visits an event at Moss Park in Toronto marking International Overdose Awareness Day; and we hear part of a recent online conversation between British author Johann Hari and writer/activist Naomi Klein about Donald Trump’s shock election politics.

Radio Regent News & Views - (10/02/2020)

In this episode of News and Views, journalist Minerva Navasca interviews historian Max Mishler about the origins of policing in Canada and their direct ties to systematic racism; David Wall interviews Meshell Theresa, a volunteer with Justice for Migrant Workers about the ongoing challenges faced by migrant workers in the country and how they relate to Canada’s overall failure to uphold basic human rights; and Talha Hashmani and Masik K report on the impact that COVID19 has had on the world of human trafficking. Listen to Podcast:

Radio Regent News & Views - (9/25/2020)

In this episode, journalist Ella Coccimiglio discusses the Regent Park Community Pods Initiative, a network of local safe-socializing hubs, with two participants; Nate Gurarie interviews Maya Bryon of The Neighborhood Information Post about the Toronto Rent Bank Program; and David Wall talks to Toronto Central School Board Trustee Chris Moise about a number of topics, including the reopening of schools across the city and his plans for redistributing resources in different communities in the name of equity. Listen to Podcast:

Radio Regent News & Views - September 18th, 2020

In this episode, David Wall speaks with Taneeta Doma and Sarah Khan, both law students at the University of Windsor as well as volunteers with Justice for Migrant Workers; Talha Hashmani and Masih K discuss policing and race in Toronto with Freda Adam, a staff lawyer at the Black Legal Action Centre; and Ibby Albazz presents his editorial on how Covid 19 has affected the livelihoods of Canadian musicians.  Listen to podcast:  

Radido Regent News & Views (9/4/2020)

In this episode, journalist Minerva Navasca explores the many ways people can get involved with activism around ongoing struggles for racial justice; Talha Hashmani and Masih K discuss how frontline healthcare workers are facing down the Covid-19 pandemic across the GTA; David Wall interviews lawyer and activist Maleek Mohamed about a recent legal victory for migrant workers in Ontario; and journalist Ella Coccimiglio talks to Regent Park area business owner Chris Klugman about the reopening of Paintbox Bistro.  Listen to Podcast:

Radio Regent News & Views (8-28-2020)

 In today’s episode of News and Views, journalist Jamelia Parnell reports on a recent, disturbing incident involving a construction crane in Regent Park; David Wall interviews Justice for Migrant Workers activist David Fox about his experiences with migrant workers while volunteering in Asia and some of the commonalities he has found with similar workers in Canada; journalist Chloe Nguyen-Drury chats with Toronto Centre MPP Suze Morrison about the recently passed bill 184 and what it means for tenants’ rights in Ontario;   journalist Gaelle Kosi discusses the challenges of owning a business in Regent Park during the Covid-19 pandemic with a local hair salon owner; and News and Views staff presenter Ibby Albazz explores the current health of real estate markets in the Greater Toronto Area.

Radio Regent News & Views (8-21-2020)

 In this episode, journalist Chloe Nguyen-Drury interviews Toronto Community Housing Senior Construction Manager Robert Boyd about the new development at 150 River Street in Regent Park; Talha Hashmani and Masih K continue their report on the upcoming reopening of schools in Ontario; and lawyer Kikeola Roach discusses various cases she has worked on involving migrant workers in Canada and connections to the legacies of Canadian slavery and colonialism. As always, our headlines are compiled and read by Cassandra Earl.

Radio Regent News & Views (8/7/2020)

 In this episode we hear a report from Talha Hashmani and Masih K about Doug Ford’s recent announcement regarding the reopening of schools across Ontario; Minerva Navasca profiles two activists who have taken part in the recent wave of protests in connection with Black Lives Matter; Sang-Hun Mun of Injured Workers Action for Justice discusses various organizations currently advocating for injured migrant workers in Canada, focusing on situations arising during Covid 19; As always, our headlines are compiled and read by Cassandra Earl.  

Radio Regent News & Views (7-31-2020)

In this episode, we hear a report from Talha Hashmani and Masih K on the World Health Organization in relation to Covid-19; David Wall speaks to Mr D, a former migrant worker, about conditions for workers in New Brunswick; Loretta Bailey talks to author and activist Samra Zafar about escaping domestic abuse; and Gaelle Kosi talks to Theresa Betou, co-owner of Dundas Beauty, a hair salon in the Regent Park area, about the effects Covid-19 has had on local businesses. As always, our headlines are compiled and read by Cassandra Earl.

Radio Regent News & Views (7/24/2020)

In this episode, David Wall talks to Jade Guthrie, Justice for Migrant Workers activist and Food Share staff member about access to healthy food for Canadians and migrant workers specifically; new News and Views journalist Minerva Navasca reports on the effects COVID19 is having on students in Ontario; and Talha Hasmani and Masih K discuss the ramifications of impending rule relaxations in Ontario around COVID19. As always, our headlines are compiled and read by Cassandra Earl.

Radio Regent News & Views (07-10-2020)

In this episode we feature a report by Naama Weingarten on the recent corporate boycott of Facebook; we hear from Kikélola Roach, a lawyer and the Unifor National Chair of Social Justice & Democracy at Ryerson University about Canada’s failings in the realm of human rights, as well as the numerous and impressive specific contributions of black human rights workers in Canada ; and we present a second extended segment from a discussion between writer/academic/activists Lhana James, Naomi Klein and Rinaldo Walcott about big tech in the context of Covid-19, global warming and race-based inequality. As always, our headlines are prepared and read by Cassandra Earle.

Radio Regent News & Views (2020-07-03)

In this episode we feature a report by Naama Weingarten on the recent corporate boycott of Facebook; we hear from Kikélola Roach, a lawyer and the Unifor National Chair of Social Justice & Democracy at Ryerson University about Canada’s failings in the realm of human rights, as well as the numerous and impressive specific contributions of black human rights workers in Canada ; and we present a second extended segment from a discussion between writer/academic/activists Lhana James, Naomi Klein and Rinaldo Walcott about big tech in the context of Covid-19, global warming and race-based inequality. As always, our headlines are prepared and read by Cassandra Earle.

Radio Regent News & Views (2020-06-19)

In this week’s show, Adrian smith, professor at Osgoode Hall Law School in Toronto and an activist with Justice for Migrant Workers, discusses the many ways in which the state polices brown and black bodies; Naama Weingarten presents a feature on a recent Ontario court ruling that voluntary intoxiction can be a defence in sexual assault cases; and Talha Hashmani and Masih K examine police violence in Indigenous communities. As always, our headlines are compiled and read by Cassandra Earle.

Radio Regent News & Views (2020-06-26)

In this episode we feature an interview with historian and academic Ed Dunsworth, author of a recent Globe and Mail article about the terrible conditions faced by Canadian migrant workers; and excerpts from an online discussion from earlier this month between writer/academic/activists Lhana James, Rinaldo Walcott and Naomi Klein about big tech in the context of Covid-19. As always, our headlines are prepared and read by Cassandra Earle.

Radio Regent News & Views - (2020-05-29)

In this episode of Radio Regent News and Views, David Wall interviews Diana, a former Ontario migrant worker, about the silencing of migrant worker voices; Talha Hashmani and Masih K report on a recent lawsuit filed on behalf of homeless groups in Toronto; and Wayne Greenway discusses the negative societal effects of the Coved-19 virus with Devesh Tilokani, a podcaster and founder of Progressholic, an online forum for personal storytelling and community connection. As always, our headlines are compiled and read by Cassandra Earl.

Radio Regent News & Views - (2020-06-05)

This episode of News and Views is a special edition of our show. Naama Weingarten, Talha Hashmani and Masih K examine the incredible events of recent days, a watershed historical moment in which mass protests have erupted, north and south of the boarder, in reaction to systematic police violence against people of color. They begin with the death of Regis Korchinsky-Paquet in Toronto.

Radio Regent News & Views - 5/22/2020

In this episode of News and Views, Naama Weingarten discusses the differences between the responses to COVID19 and the 2008 Swine Flu; Wayne Greenway discusses his free, weekly online career counseling initiative called Career Zoom-In and how it’s helping people feeling the effects of the Corona Virus on employment opportunities; David Wall talks to Ralston, a former migrant worker in Ontario who experienced what happens when migrant workers get injured on farms; and Jael Joseph interviews Dr. Ruby Blanc, a chief hospital administrator in Dominica, a place that has dealt particularly well with COVID19. As always, our headlines are compiled and read by Cassandra Earle.

News and Views - 5/15/2020

In this week’s episode of Radio Regent News and Views, staff journalist Jael Joseph interviews Dr Carissa Etienne, a public health expert and the director of the Pan American Health Organization. about the Covid 19 virus in Dominica; Talha Hashmani and Masih K interview Dr Roberta Timothy, an associate professor at the University of Toronto School of Public Health, about the intersection of race and the corona virus; Naama Weingarten discusses the sexual assault allogations made against Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden and their significance in regards to the upcoming US election; and David Wall reads an excerpt from Naomi Klein’s recent article entitled “Screen New Deal,” in which she discusses the current attempts by big tech companies to swoop in during our time of crisis and make permanent and major changes to previously sacrosanct public institutions. As always, our headlines are compiled and read by Cassandra Earle. Listen to podcast: http://www.regentpark...

Radio Regent News & Views (5/1/2020)

May 1, 2020 In this episode of News & Views, we hear Migrant Worker Corner, featuring Gabriel Alladua, a former migrant worker and current member of the team at Justice for Migrant Workers. Gabriel tells a bit of his own story and lists what he calls the "20 Dark sides of Canada" - specifically, the serious challenges facing migrant workers in our country; we also hear an interview conducted by Wayne Greenway with Public Health physician Doctor David Mowatt, about possible exit strategies from Covid 19 virus societal restrictions; and finally, Naama Weingarten presents Politics Talk, including a feature on the wild reports coming out of the US about apparent government, confirmed UFO sightings.

Radio Regent News & Views (4/24/2020)

In this week's episode, Naama Weingarten presents Politics Talk, in which she discusses President Trump's recent de-funding of the World Heath Organization; Talha Hashmani and Masih K offer up another installment of Crime Report, featuring an interview with Ryerson University philosophy professor Thomas Hart about the moral implications of societal chaos during a pandemic; and Moilene Samuels takes us through the first-ever edition of Migrant Workers' Corner, telling her story and focusing on the work of Ontario's Justicia for Migrant Workers organization. As always, our headlines are compiled and read by Cassandra Wilson. Listen to podcast:

Radio Regent News & Views (4/17/2020)

In this episode of News and Views, Jael Joseph, staff journalist here and host of her own online program Carcoe Tea, interviews the founder of the Festival of Literary Diversity, author Jael Richardson. The two Jaels discuss growing up with a famous dad (Richardson’s father was CFL star Chuck Ealey) and what it’s like to be a woman of colour and a writer in Canada. We also hear an excerpt from an online teach-in from last week, which featured Angela Davis and Naomi Klein. In the excerpt, Klein responds when asked for her assessment of the unprecedented crisis we’re living in and what the threats are of disaster capitalist solutions to the crisis. Finally, we are treated to a song by Vancouver musician Geoff Berner, called “Why Don’t We Just Take the Billionaires’ Money Away?” from his 2019 album Grand Hotel Cosmopolis.     Listen to podcast:

Radio Regent News& Views (4/10/2020)

In this episode of Radio Regent News & Views, we have two extended interviews: The first is with Corey Balsam, the National Coordinator of Independent Jewish Voices. David and Corey discuss Bill 168, or the Combating Antisemitism Act, which recently passed in the Ontario legislature. The second interview, conducted by Wayne Greenway, is with Dr. Cyntha Sreekanton, a family doctor at Regent Park Community Health Centre and Laura MacDonald, a primary care nurse at the same facility. They discuss practical ways to prevent the spread of COVID 19. Listen to the podcast:   2020-04-10

Radio Regent News & Views (4/3/2020)

In this April 3, 2020, episode of News & Views reporters: Cassandra Earle provides the news highlights of the week; Wayne Greenway interviews author, speaker and President of the Canadian Positive Psychology Association Luissa Jewel about staying mentally healthy during Covid-19;  Talha Hashmani and Masih K discuss homeless and client services of  the Young Street Mission with President and CEO, Angie Peters; Naama Weingarten explores the realities of getting tested for the Covid-19 virus in Ontario. Listen to podcast:

Radio Regent News & Views - (3/27/2020)

On this episode of News and Views, Jael Joseph interviews three women from around the world affected by the Coved-19 virus, including a doctor currently quarantined in Wuhan, China; Toronto Housing and homelessness advocate Emily Paradis discusses housing as a human right; and a Michigan-based family physician gives advice on how to minimize the chance of viral infection when we bring food into our home. As always, weekly headlines are presented by Cassandra Earle. Listen to Podcast:

Radio Regent News & Views (3/20/2020)

In this episode, we hear another installment of Crime Report, featuring Talha Hashmani and Mahsi K; Nama Weingarten discusses the effects of Coved-19 on student life; Wayne Greenway interviews Pam Frache, the  Ontario coordinator of the Fight for Fifteen Dollars and Fairness; and we hear an excerpt from The Intercept, in which Naomi Klein discusses disaster capitalism and the Coved-19 virus.

Radio Regent News & Views - (3/6/2020)

In this episode of News and Views, Wayne Greenway interviews Dr. Justina Ray,  president and senior scientist of the Wildlife Conservation Society, about the Ontario government’s plan to build roads into the Ring of Fire in Ontario’s far north to gain new access to environmentally destructive mining projects; Naama Weingarten discusses the current state of the Coronavirus internationally, and Independent Jewish Voices Canada give a press conference debunking Bill 168, the Ontario legislature's current attempt to equate criticism of Israel with antisemitism. Our weekly news roundup is presented by Cassandra Earle Listen to Podcast:

Divas Media Group - Monday, February 10, 2020

Monday, February 10, 2020 Today was the fourth week of the Diva's and U of T student's programs. This week they had special guest speakers and did a very outstanding reflective activity. Students started with dividing themselves into groups to talk about 4 different topics: Understanding the religious fabrics of Regent Park Individual expressions/experiences of Faith and Religious Ethnic Discrimination Religion and the built environment Inter and Intra Fath divides and solidarity Afterward, they received and welcomed guest speakers from the "iAm Youth Program" by the JAYU Festival Inc. This program is offered to youth across "underserved communities" across the GTA for a 9-week training for focused on arts and social justice. This is a great program for youth to be involved with education on social problems and how it is involved and can be express through the arts. Two of the guest speakers who came were previous students of this program and the...

Powerful by Nature: Substance Use and Supports

Hosts: Kai and Shuhita Date:  February 10th, 2020 Topic: Substance Use, Harm Reduction and Community Supports This show, we talked about substance use, focusing on the importance of harm reduction and the specific barriers young mothers who use drugs face when they're looking for support. Harm reduction, for drug use, is defined as an approach, set of strategies, policies or programs that aim to reduce the harm associated with drug-use without requiring abstinence. Harm reduction aims to ensure people who use drugs are treated with dignity and respect and it saves lives. After a conversation about harm reduction and resources that can support you if you’re struggling with drug abuse, Kai and Shuhita were joined in conversation by Tasha from the Jean Tweed Centre in Toronto which is a centre that supports women, and many mothers, with substance use and problem gambling issues.  You can listen to the episode here: https://www.regentparkfocus....

Powerful by Nature: Growing Up Black

Date:  February 24th, 2020 Hosts:  Kai & Chantal Topic: Growing Up Black In honour of Black History Month, Chantal and Kai hosted a roundtable discussion with special guest Leah about each of their experiences growing up and being black. We talked about the unique types of anti-black racism that exist in Toronto, the medical system, policing and so much more including what it means to love your blackness. Listen here:

Catch da Flava - February 11, 2020

On today's Catch da Flava radio show for Tuesday, February 11, 2020, we focused on the topic of Legendary and Iconic Black Figures and Learning Disabilities. Our hosts were Jamelia and Thalia with co-hosts Fazra, and Shajuanah. The young ladies exchanged a series of questions and facts about the two topics. They highlighted the major difference between icons and legends, which is that icons are still alive while legends have already died. Throughout the radio show they also made known the various learning disabilities there were in the school system. They had a very fun and informative program while gaining more knowledge about various aspects of black history and the people who are highly remembered throughout various parts of black history. Our hosts really learned a lot and we hope our listeners did the same. The radio show was a blast and you wouldn't want to miss the next one. Submitted by D...

News and Views - 2/7/2020

In this episode of News and Views, David Wall discusses the lack of affordable housing in our city with Toronto lawyer Karen Andrews; Naama Weingarten takes a look at the newest Ontario license plate design; Talha Hashmani and Masih K present a new segment called "Crime Report"; and Jael Joseph wraps up her in-depth interview with author Desmond Cole, shining a light on the many challenges facing Black people in Canada.

Catch da Flava - February 4th, 2020

On Today's Catch da Flava radio show for Tuesday, February 4th, 2020, we had Fazra, Kadeja, David, and Francesa as hosts and we had decided to pick the topic of black history month. Black history month is celebrated in February because it coincided with the birthday of Abraham Lincoln on February 12, also Frederick Douglass on February 14, both of which dates black communities have celebrated together since the late 19th century. We spoke about a few black Canadian’s who are historical for their bravery and inventions, we sadly couldn’t receive a guest so we had a discussion with ourselves. For the other 20 minutes of “Catch da Flava”, we focused on substance/drug abuse. We wanted to enlighten people of the short-term and long-term effects and why drug/substance abuse is very bad for your body. We learned many new things around drug abuse and what can happen to your body when overdosing or even mixing different types of drugs. The reason behind us picking this topic was because we...

Divas Media Group - February 3rd, 2020

Today (Monday, February 3 rd , 2010) was the third week of the Diva's and U of T students program. The group enjoyed good healthy snacks and got working right away. As it has been said before, the group will focus on the topic of Faith, Religion and Spirituality . Their media projects will reflect on those topics and how they play a role in the community and individuals. To get some ideas for the project, there were two studies that were shown today: The Ground Zero Mosque situation   Religion and Cities and how it impacts members of the community A fter that, everyone divided themselves into smaller groups and examined, discussed and presented either one of the case studies. Conversations also focused on personal views of religion, faith and what spirituality means to them. At the end everyone presented their ideas a nd some chose t o open up about their own views of these topics, more specifically their experiences with religion and how other people's view of ...

News and Views - January 31st, 2020

In this episode of News and Views, Wayne Greenway interviews Dr. Paul Caulford, head of the Canadian Centre for Refugee and immigrant Healthcare, about serious challenges facing newcomers to Canada. In addition, Jael Joseph continues her interview with journalist/author Desmond Cole, focusing on the complexities around organizations claiming to support black Canadians. Our weekly news roundup is presented by Cassandra Earle. Listen to Podcast:

Little Divas Girls Group - January 31, 2020

Little Divas Girls Group January 31, 2020 The Little Divas Girls Group met on Friday, January 31, 2020, for the first time this year. Four young girls attended and the meeting was facilitated by Twoey Gray, Loretta Bailey and Laura Polisuk. We all discussed several topics that were highlighted in the year 2019. We discussed Feminism during the meeting and have the girls explain what Feminism is.    We then played several games to get the momentum going and also to get the girls familiar with Laura and Loretta. The girls were asked to name some activities they would like to see happen during the weekly meetings. We all participated in the final activity which is "the masks we wear". We shared a moment when we wore a mask and when we actually took off the mask. The girls found this activity very interesting and useful because they were given the chance to speak about different occasions when they wore a mask and were able to differentiate between doing what is good and k...

News and Views - January 24th, 2020

In this episode of News and views, we welcome in the new year with a jam-packed program: David Wall discusses facts on the ground in Gaza and Syria with award-winning independent journalist Eva Bartlett; new team-member Naama Weingarten discusses the extradition hearing of Huawei’s top executive; and new team-member Jael Joseph interviews journalist/author Desmond Cole. Our weekly news roundup is presented by Cassandra Earle. Listen to Podcast: 2019-01-24

For Your Health Radio - Eating Disorders

On today’s For Your Health radio show for Thursday, January 23, 2020, we focused on eating disorders. We were informed about a very debilitating and deadly disease by our special guest Kaitlyn Axelrod. Today’s hosts were Jessie Fawcett and Loretta Bailey. Our special guest, Kaitlyn Axelrod, is a Program and Outreach Coordinator from Sheena’s Place. Sheena’s place is an eating disorder support centre for individuals over the age of 17 that are impacted by an eating disorder in some way whether it be themselves or a loved one. We discussed the demographics of people with eating disorders as well as the range of participants that Sheena’s Place provides services to. We also discussed what kind of eating disorders exist and their symptomology as well as the signs that parents should look out for in their adolescent children. Further, we discussed the stigma around eating disorders and how it impacts folks seeking recovery. These were just a few of the many areas we covered regarding ea...

Catch da Flava - Climate Change

On today's Catch da Flava show Tuesday, January 21, 2020, we explored the topic of Climate Change with our hosts Shajuanah and Jamelia and co-hosts Kaila, Thalia, and Fazra. A variety of questions were explored under this topic as the young ladies shared interest, knowledge, and a few laughs. Questions such as: what is climate change? What is global warming? How has the climate changed in the past? And what is the difference between climate change and global warming were tackled. But in reality, can we really do something about Climate Change? The hosts assured the listeners that we could and the answers were that you could reduce your own carbon footprint in lots of simple ways, and most of them will save you money. You could plug leaks in your home insulation to save power, install a smart thermostat, switch to more efficient light bulbs, turn off the lights in the room(s) where you are not using them, drive fewer miles by consolidating trips or take public transit, waste les...

Divas Media Group - Youth, Arts and Engagement in Cities

On Monday, January 20th 2020, a group of students from the University of Toronto gathered to begin the first session of their Youth, Arts and Engagement in Cities program. This program engages students from U of T and the Diva's group to collaborate with each other to work on media projects, in order to raise awareness and tackle social issues around the world or in the Regent Park community. This year they will do a Youth Media Case Study, which will focus on using media projects to express themselves through topics that they felt are important for the community to know. The session began with introductions. Everyone was very excited and participated. The students divided themselves into groups and members of the Divas Group picked a group to work on their projects with. There were five groups, Video/Film, Radio/Podcast, Music, Magazine and interactive art. Each one will be responsible for producing a project based on their category, which we will see by the end of the program in...

Catch da Flava - Discussing Mental Helath and Peacebuilders

On today's Catch da Flava radio show for Tuesday, January 14, 2020, we focused on two separate but intertwined issues. They were youth mental health and the youth justice system. Our hosts were Shajuanah and Jamelia with co-hosts Kaila, Thalia, and Fazra. Our guests for the mental health segment was Michelle Cauch, a Student Success Advisor at Centennial College and Michelle Galeotalanza, a mental health professional and professor at Centennial College. They discussed what is mental health, why is youth mental health important, why is youth mental health different from the other age groups, what are the major youth mental health issues, where should the youth get help, how can they seek trusting professionals to speak to on issues of mental health? These were just a few of the many interesting topics and questions we discussed. Our guest for the next segment was Rachelle Bloomfield, a staff, leader, and counselor at Peacebuilders. Peacebuilders is a nonprofit organization...

Catch da Flava - #LetsStopAIDS

For the first show of the 2020 year, the Catch Da Flava team took on the topic of HIV and its awareness among youth.  Our guest on Tuesday, January 7, 2020, was Shamin Mohamed Jr , the founder of LetsStopAIDs, a youth-driven organization devoted to HIV prevention and exchange. Later Shamin was joined over the telephone by a staff member of LetsStopAIDS. Hosted by Catch da Flava's Fazra, Shejuanah and Thalia the show featured a lively discussion about HIV. We talked about the need to start an organization devoted to HIV, the appropriateness of HIV education to elementary and high school-aged youth, misconceptions on who and how you can get HIV, the importance of regular STD medical check-ups for sexually involved youth, HIV symptoms, the problems with promoting abstinence-only as a form of prevention education, HIV partners, stigma of living with HIV and much more.  Special thanks to Dawit Tibebu for producing the show and identifying the guests. To l...

Powerful by Nature - The Holiday Show

Date:  December 9th, 2019 Topic: Holiday Show Whether the holidays make you want to slam your head against the wall or jump for joy, our holiday show is for you! Join us as we talk all about the holidays and share some of our tips on everything from where to find affordable gifts to DIY decorating. Listen Here: To learn more about Jessie’s Centre and/or the Community Education Program, please visit: . Follow us on Twitter and Instagram @PowerfulXNature

Divas Girls Group - November 28th, 2019

On Thursday, November 28 th , 2019, several  young women in our Divas Media program performed their spoken word poems at the annual holiday celebration for the Canadian Women’s Foundation. The event was held at 100 Adelaide St. W, and about 35 to 40 people were in attendance.  It was an honor to be invited to the celebration where FOCUS’ work was recognized. The event started off with:  speeches from  Paula Smith (the Board of Director) and Kristin Blakely  (Chair of the Board).  FOCUS young women were introduced by Kristin Blakely. The young women went up and introduced themselves, spoke about where they were from (FOCUS), and why they choose the poem to present. Although the young women were nervous during their performance, they pulled it off and did an amazing job! The celebration ended with a speech from Paulette Senior (The President and CEO). The young women and I had a great time and we enjoyed the celebration. Thank you to the Canadian ...

Powerful By Nature - Abortion

Date:   November 25th, 2019 Hosts :  Kai, Chantal & Shuhita Topic : Abortion This show was all about abortion. Take a listen as we bust some of the most common abortion myths, talk the importance of being pro-choice and ask a representative from a local abortion clinic, the Cabbagetown Women’s Clinic, questions including all the ones you sent us over social media. Listen Here: To learn more about Jessie’s Centre and/or the Community Education Program, please visit: . Follow us on Twitter and Instagram @PowerfulXNature

Regent Park blog Mid Oct-Mid Ovember

Since October we’ve been in the middle of another semester of the music recording program. Back again with Logic Pro X. This year started with three fresh faces, and a fourth joining in the middle of November. The three that started with us this year were all at different points in their musical growth and highlighted the different parts of the program. The student who was the furthest along and had the most extensive musical background was there to finish projects. She had a catalog of beats that she had been working on and began coming to the program as she was preparing to embark on the final stage of her creative process: mixing and mastering. After doing a couple sessions of tweaks, she is preparing a list of songs she wants to begin mixing that will begin in the new year. The second student who joined had some musical background. He had been writing songs for a little over a year, and already had some in-studio experience, doing some recording. He came to the program to cont...

Divas Girls Program - November 22nd 2019

By: Laura Polisuk   November 22nd, 2019 On November 22nd, the Diva’s Girls Program met to discuss social justice issues regarding a movie called, “Miss Representation.” The purpose of the program was to debate whether the representation of women in the media has gotten better or worse since the movie premiered in 2011. The Diva’s were divided into two teams based on their beliefs. The girls who thought the representation of women in the media improved said it was because they think women are dominating the music charts, more recognition in film, more examples of women in sports, men identifying themselves as feminists and more people embracing the word ‘feminist’. The girls who believed the representation of women in the media is getting worse, said it was because there are many missing girls, the damaging impacts of the Kim Kardashian effect, sex sells in the music industry, there is pressure to wear makeup and use dating apps, and finally the comment sections on social m...

November 8th, the Diva Girls Program

On Friday, November 8th, the Diva Girls Program met at Focus Media Arts Centre to discuss “Women in Media”. We watched a documentary from 2011 called “Miss Representation”. The film outlines the struggles that women face every day, specifically how mainstream media contributes to the underrepresentation of women in powerful positions by limiting those portrayals. The girls were encouraged to ask questions throughout the film and compare the struggles the women faced in the film, to a struggle they face as young women in their day to day lives. Many of the Diva’s brought up the fact that the documentary was filmed in 2011 and that a lot of those struggles depicted in the film are no longer problems to women in 2019. They engaged in an important discussion about women being portrayed in the media and how they have seen it improve since the documentaries premiere date. Next week we will discuss the film in more detail and answer the questions that arose while watching it....

Powerful By Nature - Self-Care

Date:   November 11th, 2019 Hosts :  Chantal & Shuhita Topic : Self-Care Self -care has become a popular idea in the last few years but what does it really mean? I n the latest episode of Powerful by Nature, we talk about what self-care means to us and break down how self-care is more than just bubble baths Listen here: ____________________________________________________________________________ To learn more about Jessie’s Centre and/or the Community Education Program, please visit: . Follow us on Twitter and Instagram @PowerfulXNature