Powerful by Nature: Substance Use and Supports

Hosts: Kai and Shuhita

Date:  February 10th, 2020

Topic: Substance Use, Harm Reduction and Community Supports

This show, we talked about substance use, focusing on the importance of harm reduction and the specific barriers young mothers who use drugs face when they're looking for support. Harm reduction, for drug use, is defined as an approach, set of strategies, policies or programs that aim to reduce the harm associated with drug-use without requiring abstinence. Harm reduction aims to ensure people who use drugs are treated with dignity and respect and it saves lives.

After a conversation about harm reduction and resources that can support you if you’re struggling with drug abuse, Kai and Shuhita were joined in conversation by Tasha from the Jean Tweed Centre in Toronto which is a centre that supports women, and many mothers, with substance use and problem gambling issues. 

You can listen to the episode here:



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