Diva Girls' Blog Post - January 28 (UofT Collaboration)
Regent Park Focus is partnering with the Youth, Arts, and Engagement Program at the University of Toronto to produce a media product that is based on the community. This is the first session. This sessions the girls were able to meet with the staff and students attending the Youth, Arts, and Engagement program at the University of Toronto. The session began with Aditi, the professor of the program talking about things to expect and things they students from UofT have done thus far. Then the girls and students got into randomly assigned groups and began creating a map of how they got to where they are. Although the question was worded in a way that was open, almost all the participants talked about how they got to focus on that day. The participants then shared what they route, their journey, and what they learned. After that a hashtag was created. To do this, the participants worked in the groups that were made before to not only create a hashtag but to also, sell it to the ot...