Radio Regent News & VIews - September 27, 2019

The Leaders We Rely Upon, September 27, 2019

This week on Radio Regent News & Views, we will be exploring the following stories:

1. A photo of Justin Trudeau from 2001 was recently released to the public which showed him dressed as Aladdin, wearing a painted-on brown face and a turban. It also came to light that Trudeau did an impression making fun of American singer, songwriter, and activist, Harry Belafonte. It was expected that Trudeau's votes would decrease after these revelations, but his votes actually increased. News and Views host, David Wall and co-host, Theo Nazary, discuss why.

2. David Wall and Theo Nazary go on to consider the possibility of an impeachment and the negative impacts that it could have, after a whistleblower reported on a conversation that took place over-the-hone between President Trump and the President of Ukraine involving an alleged request from Trump to have Ukraine investigate the son of his potential election candidate, Joe Biden, in exchange for military aid.

Radio Regent News & Views runs on Fridays at 2PM and is repeated throughout the week on

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