Catch da Flava - Raptors Championship

Group #2 - blog #3

Last week at Regent Park Focus we were working on our radio show on Radio Regent, "CATCH DA FLAVA"! It was a lot of fun, our topic of discussion was about the positive and negative impacts that the Raptors Championship had on the City of Toronto. We chose to focus on the socioeconomic impacts such as the increase in tourism and money that the championship brought, but also the negatives such as pollution and danger that come with winning a championship. It was a lot of fun putting together the script and working together as a team, we chose hip-hop music to go with the vibe of the show and brought a super-fan as our guest. Overall the radio show was a success.

For the rest of the week, we were prepping for the promotional video we are doing for  Neighbourhood Legal Services. Doug Ford has cut funding to the legal clinics in Ontario and we want to raise awareness of this problem because legal aid clinics help lower-income families and refugees immensely I also learned Adobe Audition for the first time, it was challenging at first. However, I feel like a pro now!

Overall it has been a month working here at Regent Park Focus and I feel that I have learned so much. I can't wait for what the rest of the summer will bring!

Date: - July 17, 2019

Name: - Elise Ardizzi


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