Little Divas' Blog Post - April 18th

This session is the Little Divas' first session without the presence of Canvas.
 Many of the girls mentioned that they would miss both the coordinators, but are still looking forward to the sessions coming up. 
The girls came in and after having some snacks, began introducing themselves and went around the room showing the projects they had created and added more information on why each was important to them.

They then began to not only discuss what they had previously learned but also, discussed what they wanted to learn from the future sessions.  These being activities revolving around mindfulness and breathing, meditation, podcasts and radio shows, videos, photography and much more.

They also stated that they would like more in-depth information on being independent

One of them also stated that they would like to have sessions where they can talk with the older divas about the program and offer advice, this idea will be explored more in the coming days.

Amna Quaid Azam


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