Music Production - March 4th

    I am still getting used to the students schedule here. There are some familiar faces that I am learning but every now and then someone will come in who I've never met. Today I had the pleasure of meeting a new student who spent time talking with me about her experiences in the city recording music. Unfortunately it hasn't all been easy. We began by introducing ourselves, and she asked about my history as a musician and what experience I had recording music, and producing.
    I asked her about her journey as a musician and she sighed and then told me that's it's been hard. She described her trials and tribulations when it came to finding a qualified producer to work with who sees her as an artist first, not a woman. I could tell how passionate this student is because of how emotional she got when describing how hard it's been for her to find someone to work with. She described going from one "producer" to another and just meeting people who weren't what they said they were. People who were opportunistic, or who saw the opportunity to take advantage of someone for a quick buck. Things that as someone who has spent time around music for a long time I'm unfortunately all too familiar with.
    After talking about her troubles finding a producer we continued our discussion and eventually got into the different types of music we both listen to. Finally she asked if I'd like to hear some of what she'd been working on. I was delighted to hear her work, and it truly was well crafted. I was so glad to see that even though this individual had gone through so much, she hadn't let it discourage her. Rather than pack up and stop making music, she'd done the opposite. She'd put her mind and effort into producing her own music. Becoming self sufficient. It was amazing to see.

By John


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