Diva Girls' Blog Post - February 8th, 2019 (Art Workshop)

This session, the girls worked with the guest artist, Karma, to complete their pieces from the last art session. Karma then gave the girls the option of creating paper mache cups and other pieces, most of the girls continued working on their tile piece, some started another one.

Karma taught the girls about different techniques they could use to create their pieces while also telling the girls about how much waste there is on the planet and the length of time it takes for it to decompose.

The girls then brainstormed ways they can take items they would normally get rid of and find other uses instead of throwing it out.  

This was Karma's final visit, she was kind enough to leave some supplies with us to use for future projects with the girls. The girls left the session with more of an understanding of waste and how much of it humans create.

Amna Quaid Azam


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