Fall Cycle Begins for Radio Regent’s “Catch da Flava” Show

Radio Regent’s Catch da Flava youth radio show began its Fall 2018 cycle on Tuesday October 16th. This cycle’s participants and show hosts will be Brintha, Iman, Kylie, Shejuanah, and Deborah.

For the first two weeks of this cycle, the group has been preparing for the live shows to begin on Tuesday October 30th. The first week we did a mock live show with a pre-written script about the cannabis legalization that was happening the next day on October 17th. We also had Mike Stroh from mental health advocacy organization Starts With Me on the show as a guest, to discuss the impacts of cannabis on mental health in youth. This gave the participants the chance to see what the general structure of a live show will be like, including with a guest present for the hosts to interview about the mental health aspects of the topic. Once our live shows begin in earnest on October 30th, the hosts will be doing their own research, preparation, and writing for the live shows, and will be speaking about their own experiences with the topics as well, instead of reading a pre-written script.

The second week we were together, we talked about some topics the hosts would like to explore and discuss in upcoming shows, and settled on the specific topics for the next two live shows, broke the participants into two separate hosting teams, and expanded on the general topics with more specific sub-topics within each that the participants could research and think about while preparing their live shows. We also did a training session about the technology involved in producing the live shows, as the participants will also eventually be performing the role of Tech Producer for the live shows when they aren’t on the hosting team for that week.

We hope you can join us on Tuesdays from 6-7pm every week for youth discussions about social issues. We look forward to starting our live shows with a look at Bullying next week on Tuesday October 30th at 6pm!

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