Diva's Blog Post – September 28, 2018 (Internet Safety)
Today we talked about Internet safety; ways an individual can be safe on the internet and dangers that come from social media. When the girls first entered the room, many asked to play a quick game of hangman, so we did. After that we began discussing ways they stay protected online and things someone who is being cyber-bullied can do to seek help, an example being taking screen shots and showing them to a trusted adult. Many of the girls talked about steps they can take to ensure their safety, one being downloading apps from trusted websites. Next, we discussed why being aware of what you post online is important, as well as those you talk to. I gave examples of many celebrities posting racist and problematic posts and in the end, getting fired because of to it, even if it was from 8 years ago. To this they were very surprised but also mentioned that people hiring need to do a better job researching the people they are interviewing. We then talked about the dangers of talking t...