Radio Blog - August 21, 2018 (part 2)

For the second half hosts Levi and Divine lead the health talk panel and chatted about healthy and unhealthy relationships and how they can affect our lives. Additionally the group also talked about how we’ve grown as individuals in terms of relationships.

We got got to share our past experiences and our history with past relationships with people, and had fun explaining about how our life experiences shaped us and made us what we are today.Most of the question that were asked was whether we regret our past or present relationships and if we think our future relationships be like the ones we have now or will it completely change.

It wasn’t a very dramatic or emotional topic, it was more of a “open up and share” kind of podcast. The siblings Divine Bailey and Diamond Bailey both realized they have similar relationships and both have their different experiences. We also got to share some of the reasons why we are emotionally.

-Divine Bailey



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