Powerful By Nature - Young Parents Talk: Accessing Healthcare

Date: August 20th, 2018
Hosts: Jeneace & Reyna

Guests: Faith, Health Promotion Nurse & Shuhita & Nadiya, young moms
Topic: Young Parents Talk: Accessing Healthcare

This week, Jeneace and Reyna hosted a PowerfulxNature episode talking about the experiences of young parents accessing healthcare services. Our hosts first conducted a group interview with two other young parents. They began by talking about how tiring and demoralizing it was trying to advocate for yourself and your children in a healthcare system that often assumes teen parents don’t know what’s best for their children and shouldn’t be making their own healthcare decisions. Everyone shared experiences of being judged and stigmatized because of their pregnancies or decision to parent and talked about how important it is that healthcare professionals engage, respect and listen to young parents without judgement or bias. Our hosts finished off the show interviewing Faith, a health promotion nurse at Jessie’s Centre, a multi-service drop in centre for pregnant teenagers and young families. Faith provides healthcare services for young parents regularly and talked about the importance of providing non-judgemental, confidential and safe care that responds to the concerns and needs of young parents.

To learn more about Jessie’s Centre and/or the Community Education Program, please visit: www.jessiescentre.org. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram @PowerfulXNature

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