Summer Blogs - July 23-27th, 2018

This week marks the halfway mark for most of the interns at Regent Park Focus. The interns were really busy this week from editing footage that has been collected from the past week or so. Last week the interns created an interactive story pilot and have edited the pilot throughout this week. Each pilot is now up on the Regent Park Focus YouTube channel. We also had a chance to display our pilot to the class.

The RPTV news team were editing they’re interviews with Sureya Ibrahim and Afrah Ismail from the Toronto Centre for Community Learning and Development. Four videos have been filmed for the Politalks show and is now onto editing them. One of the interviews with Rachel Lauren Clark is finished editing. Also the Past, Present and Future team has finished editing their first interview as well. The RPTV team filmed their first show called “What is that?”. They tasted foods that can be seen as obscure or different towards certain people. They tasted foods like dragon fruit, a local protein bar, a spicy Asian snack and etc. For radio, they had the RPTV team discuss gaming disorder and the Francophonie team had their second radio show. One of the international interns did his first radio show, which is based on an American discussing what it’s like living in Canada, the differences between the States, and etc.

All the interns sat together at the end of the week and had a meeting with Adonis discussing where we are all at with our shows/projects to make sure we are all on schedule with everything. We also talked about our independent projects, which all the interns had a chance to go around and pitch their idea to Adonis.

The interns will have a busy upcoming week, such as coming up with new article ideas to pitch, filming and editing. Most of the segments for Regent Park Focus will hopefully have their interview and shows will be edited by the end of next week. So keep an eye out for new videos!

By: Kaylin Lopes


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