Regent Park Focus Blog Post July 13th, 2018
This week marked the first full week for new Regent Park Focus Summer Staff.
New Media Coordinator Shian has been leading the interns in a morning course about Interactive Storytelling. After an exercise in re-adapting TV scripts, the staff were split into two groups and wrote a script and filled out call sheets for a pilot episode of an interactive web series.
In the afternoons staff have been researching and writing their own articles for the monthly Catch Da Flava Magazine. The pieces are looking to all be very interesting, so keep an eye out for the online and in-print release!
The staff continued their work on producing shows for the TV and radio station, getting familiar with the inner workings of film and radio production. Groups started film production on multiple TV programs, not limited to the beloved PoliTalks and Regent Park Past, Present, and Future, and will soon be onto the post-production stage.
All projects, both group and independent, are looking quite promising, and everyone is looking forward to seeing the end result of a lot of hard work and passion.