Catch da Flava - Panel Discussion on Exercise

For this edition of Health Talks Youth Radio, we had our panel discussion that explored the topic of exercise. Not only is the weather better in Toronto that it would encourage people to celebrate the use of their bodies but exercise more than ever is an important and vital component to healthy living for youth.

According to the latest study by Preventive Medicine, it analyzed data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination that tracked over 12,500 people aged 6 to 84 years to log how many of their waking hours they spent active and how many they spent sitting. It shows the older people are, the more inactive they becoming but shockingly the research shows that 19 year olds spend as much time being inactive and sedentary as 60 year olds. Considering that, it’s clear we need to get a move on when it comes to exercise!

Some of the questions we asked our youth panelists were:

What do you think accounts for youth being as inactive as seniors? What is pulling them away from exercising their bodies?

What is your exercise routine, if any?

What are some ways you inspire yourself to get active?

How do you think people can start to reclaim exercise? What are some of the ways you have done it personally?

What are some of the weird exercise fads you heard about? Like Tae Bo, P90X, any new ones that come to mind or some you actually tried yourself?

Our panelists had some interesting insights and fun comments to make on the topic and as always, it was fun to chat about exercise and how we do better for our bodies.

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