Catch da Flava Radio - Little Giants

For this edition of Health Talks Youth Radio, host Travis introduced us to the topic for this show which was the movie “Little Giants” starring Ed O’Neil as the bullying big brother Kevin and Ricky Moranis as tender-hearted devoted little brother Danny. Coming from a small town, both boys had a love for football, but Kevin excelled in the sport while Danny was cast off to the sidelines. As adults, Kevin continues to succeed, owning a car dealership and being the coach of peewee football in their small town after having a successful career in football. Danny’s daughter Becky aka Ice Box grows up with a strong love of football too but doesn’t end up getting chosen. Consequently, Becky is motivated to play and gets her dad to coach a new team called the “Little Giants”, a group of misfits in the neighbourhood he has to somehow whip into shape and teach football to and hopefully win. Eventually after all the heated sibling rivalry, Kevin ends up betting his car dealership and Danny ends up betting his gas station to see who will win the game in the end. In studio, we had three lovely ladies to chat with Travis who have some interesting insight into what they took away from the movie and how they felt about it overall. Some of the questions that were asked were:

1) What advice would you have given to Danny as a parent to another parent about the odds of winning?

2) What methods of training would you have used to help The Little Giants to become confident to play football?

3) Do you think a lot of youth can relate to Becky having a crush on Junior and feeling weird about it because everybody knows her as the Ice Box? and Ice Box isn't supposed to like boys

4) What other barriers do you think girls like Becky go through now in 2018 ? Do you think there are places and people for them to talk to about these issues?

In discussing the movie, we focused a lot on Becky’s role in the movie. Becky is Danny’s daughter, a tough girl with strong views and strong shoulders. She ends up in her dad’s new team and is the star until a new kid comes along that she ends up having a crush on. It makes her question how she wants to be perceived in the world, whether or not she was “feminine” enough for a guy to like her. With an all-girls panel, they voiced how upset they were to see Becky betray herself to do what she thinks would make the guy like her more. She becomes a cheerleader and watches her team go down but does nothing until the “bad guy” on the other team attacks her crush and he goes to bench for injury. That’s when she puts her uniform back on, to stand up for her crush. In a weird twist of fate, her crush’s mother is the childhood crush of her dad and they end up kissing after the game, which makes this movie a little weirder.

We discuss how for this movie, this is not a good example for young girls to emulate. They should never have to change themselves in hopes that some may or may not like them. They should definitely learn to like themselves first and then be with someone that appreciates who they are and sees them for who they are. We discuss this with Serena Williams as a great example, who recently got married and had her first child but won 23 Grand Slams and is one of the greatest athletes in recorded history. She never had to make herself less in order to find her happily ever after, and she’s a great influence to all the strong athletic women out there. Although this movie teaches us a lot about what it takes to win when we are the underdog, it still has to teach kids of all genders and personalities that being who you are for all that you are is just fine and there is no good reason why you should ever change that. ​

We would like to thank our panelists for being on air: Beverly, Diamond, and Judy.

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