Catch da Flava - End-Of-School Panel Discussion

For this edition of Health Talks Youth Radio, we had our wonderful panel discussion with our youth participants discussing how they navigated through school stress while school was in. We chatted about the issue only to celebrate that it’s finally over. Some of the questions we explored were:

What’s a way school stress has affected you emotionally? I’m talking about how it has made you feel, the anxiety, the sorrow, the anger, the frustration. What’s the worst and best emotions from the school term for you?

So how’s school stress affected you psychologically? This can be something like how it makes you doubt your ability to finish assignments, to do well in exams- all that. Or what about some stories you heard from friends and classmates?

Sometimes, because the body and mind are connected, we can have physical symptoms from school stress. How has school stressed you out- did you have to have all-nighters, difficulty sleeping because of worry, physical weakness trying to keep up with everything?

What are some of the best ways you learned to get over school stress? What are some of the major challenges you faced in school that you have considered and how did you overcome them?

What are some of the things you like to do to decompress from tough assignments and endless studying? What are your self-care methods? The ways you treat yourself for all the hard work you put into school?

Overall, it was an entertaining and informative discussion and we had a great time, as always. We’d like to thank our youth panelists for being on air to talk about their personal perspective when it comes school stress, celebrating the end of the school term.

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