Catch da Flava - Eating and Food Panel Discussion

For our June 19th episode of Health Talks Youth Radio, we had our youth panel discussion to talk about our eating habits and how we enjoy eating. We explore the different ways we eat, especially given our diverse backgrounds and perspectives. We come from different cultures, different food preferences, and have different relationships to food. We try to explore how our food habits are the same and how they are different through our panel discussion.

Some of the questions we addressed were:

We’re all coming from different cultures and upbringing? What’s your favourite cultural food from your own culture? Can you describe how it tastes and how it’s prepared?

What’s your favourite food in general? Why?

What’s your favourite dessert and why?

What’s the worst food dish you’ve ever heard of, and what was it?

What’s an amazing food dish you’ve heard of and what is it? An amazing restaurant or franchise you want to visit?

We chatted a lot more about different foods and our shared love of eating. As always, it was an enjoyable and fulfilling experience to explore the topic of eating habits.

We’d like to thank our youth participants for being on the show to chat about their love of food.

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