Catch da Flava Radio - Youth Homelessness Panel Discussion

For this episode of Health Talks Youth Radio, Diamond talks to our panel about youth homelessness. We talked about what defines “homelessness” for us and our shared experience meeting people facing homelessness. We talked about how we feel compassion for the people on the streets and observe how there are so many more living on the streets downtown than in suburban areas like Scarborough. Travis was curious to understand why this was an occurrence as he feels there are much more resources downtown to help the homeless than in suburban areas. Gisela points out a very important point which is the term “hidden homelessness” in which people may be homeless but “couch surf” or stay in recreation centres and so they are not visible.

Running down our understanding of homelessness, we discovered that there are different terms for homelessness such as chronic, transitional, and episodic. Chronic means a person has been homeless for an extended period of time, the traditional homelessness we associate to those living on the streets. Transitional homelessness is for those who are temporarily without a home, who have been displaced and living in shelter until they can get back on their feet. This can look like people displaced from natural disasters, losing their homes in the process. The third known as episodic homelessness is when people are in and out of homelessness due to precarious domestic situations, chronic drug use, or facing abuse. This is most seen among youth. ​

We’d like to thank our guest panelists for their conversation and insight into homelessness and how we can do better to help each other when it comes to understanding those in precarious living conditions.

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