Music Production - February in Review

Hi everyone! In case you haven’t heard, there’s a new music specialist at Regent Park
Focus, it’s me - Will Hunter!

I have a long history in working in music as an educator, composer, performer and
recording artist on guitar and keys. I have two degrees - one in classical guitar performance
(York University) and another in education (OISE). I am excited to share and learn in a new

So far, students have come from across Toronto - some have had a very general interest
in learning about music, while others have had very specific questions, one student asked in
depth about recording vocals, and one student asked me to help him learn more about the
Cuban guitar instrument - the tres!

It’s always exciting being asked questions that I don’t know the answer - sometimes the
most difficult part about learning something new is knowing what aspects to hone in on, which is
where I’m always happy to help my students.

A lot of students are working on creating songs on Logic Pro and a lot of them have
great starts! Just like writing a book, or building something with your hands, writing music takes
a lot of time, I hope all of my students are as excited as I am about creating something you can
call your own.

Thanks for reading, Will


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