Catch da Flava Radio - Sexual Health Promoter Richard Texeira

For the February 6th, 2018 edition of Catch da Flava Youth Radio, we had host Diamond Bailey sit down and chat with sexual health promoter Richard Texeira to discuss issues of sexual health and how it relates to youth.

Their upcoming workshop on Thursday targets educating service providers who deal with youth with little social attachments, such as low school attendance and vulnerable to homelessness. They support LGBT+ Youth to be trainers, speakers and advocates in these workshops to empower them in their sexuality. They are a collaborative event, such as having Eva’s Satellite organization which is a substance use reduction organization for youth. Some topics that will be covered include consent, relationships, and pleasure with an emphasis on consent and how to understand what is consent. Richard goes on to define consent as free of coercion, “enthusiastic, completely freely given” from someone who is sober. When discussing advice on what youth should consider if they are thinking about becoming sexually active, Richard suggest youth consider if they are actually ready. If they really want to be in a relationship, then they should consider being with themselves first, because they are giving too much power to the other person to control their emotions. He also mentions that if youth are considering being active, they should consider how this fits in the other spheres of their lives, and if they have any questions there are always hotlines to reach out to in case they want to get more information on sexual health. To end off, Richard was very optimistic saying that all of us are bound to make mistakes when it comes to sexual health but it is also a great place for learning if only we keep reaching out to get the help we need. We would like to thank Richard for being on air to talk about sexual health and how it relates to youth, and the significance of having these types of workshops to better educate them. For more information, you can check out:

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