Catch da Flava Radio - Youth Homelessness

For this edition of Catch da Flava Youth radio show, Diamond hosted our panel discussion on youth homelessness with our youth panelists. Present for the panel discussion were Beverly, Erika, Joel, and Johanna. They all shared their perspective on what the causes for youth homelessness are, what they think about helping out when it comes to youth homelessness, and issues like laws that make it hard for youth that have no shelter, like fines against panhandling and laws against homelessness. Diamond suggests that though youth come into homelessness for different reasons, there are some specific factors that generally abide when it comes to their status such as coming from a broken home, experiencing negligence and abuse, or struggles with mental health. ​

Some of the questions posed for this panel discussion include asking panelists what their definition of homelessness is, its causes, why there is controversy around the topic, and their thoughts on the concept of homelessness being a crime. One of our panelists voiced his outrage that these issues should be considered a crime, as many of these youth have faced many undue burdens already, and they shouldn’t have to face the possibility of being considered criminals as well.​

We would like to thank our panelists Beverly, Erika, Joel, and Johanna for being on air to share their perspective on the topic of youth homelessness, especially during this season where the weather makes it harder for youth to find shelter. ​

This is the last show for our team for the year, but we will be back to our regularly scheduled show on January 9th, 2018

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