Catch da Flava Radio - Panel Discussion on Mental Health

For this episode of Catch da Flava Youth Radio, co-hosts Judy and Diamond held a panel discussion about how mental health has affected us or someone we know. We mention personal anecdotes about our experiences with mental health as well as how we dealt with the stigma associated with mental illness, whether this being from an outside perspective or battling with mental illness ourselves.

We concluded that one of the best ways to combat the stigma of mental health is to further educate, as to better understand not only about mental illnesses but how it affects everyday life and how it differs from person to person.

Additionally we talked about mental health services and medication that have both better and hindered our experience.Furthermore, we brought to light how it felt like to share and be open about having a mental illness and how this affected our lives or someone we know. Having people in you life in which you could depend on for support and comfort makes a world of difference. Thus we encourage educating not only oneself but everyone about mental health and believe it may change perspectives involving mental health. For more information about mental health visit

​ We would like to thank our panel discussion guests Tyger Dau, Beverley Fajardo, and Johanna for joining us in the discussion. We would also like to extend our gratitude to CTV News and Global News for media content we aired for this portion of the show.


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