Catch da Flava Radio - Halloween!

Blog- Oct 31, 2017 For this Halloween edition of Catch da Flava, Joel introduced the conversation by sharing a scary poem before handing things over to Diamond, for a panel discussion on Toronto's youth population caffeine consumption and the vulnerabilities associated with the excessive use of coffee and caffeine in general. We discussed our concerns as well as our own individual experiences with caffeine. With caffeine readily available, legally accessible and socially accepted in the form of pop, coffee, tea, energy drinks etc, this psychoactive drug can be used by anyone- even children- and it seems as if it's growing amongst young people as a coffee culture of sorts continues to rise and trend. Statistics show that 44.6% of adolescents, most of which between the age of 14-16 years-old consume caffeine between 1-6 times per week. We commented on why we as a society and individuals should be worried about the consumption of caffeine not only by our youth but in children as well.

As the overconsumption of caffeine can result in health problems such as heart palpitations, migraines and headaches, dizziness, jitteriness, lack of sleep etc- and in rare cases even death- the panel exchanged thoughts on whether it's possible to overdose on caffeine. We took a short break before discussing again the effects of caffeine in the youth population, with a special tribute to Halloween with the classic song “Thriller” by Michael Jackson. When we came back, we continued our exciting panel about caffeine. With a few comments that seemed as if endorsed by coffee franchises, we concluded that the subject of caffeine and coffee is all about moderation as we understood that despite the negative effects, realistically there isn't enough outcry for a ban, let alone a stronger hold on the distribution of caffeine.

Despite this, we collectively agree that there should be more awareness about the psychoactive properties and vulnerabilities that caffeine can inflict and we should raise awareness within schools as more and more teens begin to indulge in caffeinated beverages.

To wrap up our show, we announced the upcoming iAm photography exhibit by Indigenous youth happening on Friday, in Regent Park. Then we ended things off with a special recording of Joel’s rendition of the classic thriller poem “The Raven.” ​

We’d like to thank our guests Joel, Johanna, and Judy for conversing with us about the growing problem of excessive caffeine consumption by Toronto's youth. With more awareness about what we consume and put in our bodies the more we believe that we can stop this concern from growing beyond reason.

By: Diamond Bailey


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