Catch da Flava Radio - JAYU

For this episode of Catch da Flava Youth Radio, co-host Judy talked to founder of Human Rights organization JAYU, Gilad Cohen, about their sister project The iAm program and its upcoming photography exhibit on November 3rd at 6:30 PM EST at Daniels Spectrum in Regent Park. ​

The iAm program collects youth each year interested in storytelling and photography and teaches them workshops on both storytelling and photography from accomplished photographers and artists. The youth are tasked to take pictures and the photos are presented at a yearly exhibit, with all proceeds going back to the youth participants.​

This year’s theme is “reconciliation” with youth participants from the Canadian Native Centre of Toronto. All events, workshops, means of transportation and additional costs were funded by the program and looks to utilize storytelling, the arts, and specifically photography as a means of healing youth that face extreme social adversity, such as Indigenous communities that face the 150th Canada Day celebration and it's’ painful connotation to the community. Last year’s participants were Syrian newcomers, some just landing in Canada and having to reconcile what the meaning of home is to them in a new land.​

Gilad talks to us about the iAm project, the larger organization JAYU and the Human Rights Film Festival happening in December, to let listeners know what they can do to help out in socially conscious ways. For more information, check out their website at:​​

We would like to thank Gilad for taking the time to share his experience in photography and its ability to help healthy emotional and mental development.​

By: Judy Pham


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