Powerful by Nature - Who is Powerful by Nature & Jessie's?

Date: Sep 29, 2017

Hosts: Brianne & Shadae

Guests : Moya, Victoria (PowerfulXNature), Faith Hatchet, Hodan Osman, Monika Obermeier, & Sherry Rutter

Topic : Who is Powerful by Nature & Jessie’s?

This week, Powerful X Nature youth radio show debuts on the air. Our hosts, Brianne and Shadae introduce the Powerful X Nature team and lead a conversation to learn more about services and support offered at Jessie’s Centre.

In the first part of the show you meet the PowerfulXNature team, consisting of 5 participants who have been actively involved in our Community Education Program and who share a commonality; they’re all YOUNG PARENTS.

In the second part of the show, our hosts welcome staff from Jessie’s; Sherry, the Youth Leadership Program Lead; Hodan a Counsellor/Case Manager; Monika, the Parent Child Centre Lead; and Faith a Registered Nurse, who oversees the Health Program. This segment starts with a brief her story of Jessie’s Centre. Each guest then provides information about the programs and services Jessie’s has to offer pregnant and parenting youth, and their children; and how listeners can access these programs and supports.

To close the show, the PowerfulXNature team share insights on the Community Education Program and the impact this award winning program has on not only the participants but the audiences in which they present to.

Our music selection this week features:

1. Attention by Charlie Puth 2. Thunder by Imagine Dragon 3. Look what you made me do by Taylor Swift

Don’t miss World Breastfeeding Week events at Jessie’s this upcoming week Oct 2 – Oct 5, 2017 To learn more about Jessie’s Centre and/or the Community Education Program, please visit:


Follow us on Twitter and Instagram @PowerfulXNature

Listen To Show:
2017-09-25 - Who is Powerful by Nature & Jessie’s?


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