Summer Program - Aug 14-19th

This week (Aug 14-19th) Youth participants finished up their rough edits for the ten part video series in partnership with The Neighbourhood Group Kickstart Program. Participants collaborated to create uniformity in the videos by creating the same background images, credits reel and font type, to build communication skills and teamwork abilities. The rough draft of their videos were completed by the end of this week.

Some participants also participated in the youth radio program Catch Da Flava. This week they focused on the issues of affordable housing, looking at local speakers on the topic and current events on affordable housing in Toronto. They had guest A.J. Withers come to studio to talk about the topic and their book on the topic. For the second segment, they had a panel discussion on affordable housing.

A handful of participants also continued development in gaming, learning how to work with various different gaming programs and software. Some finished up video editing projects they started and developed scripts for upcoming TV shows they will be filming. They have pitched some TV show ideas, including one on current fashion trends.

On Thursday night, Focus filmed for an event at Daniel’s Spectrum called “Stories of Ours” and we busy working on starting the beginning steps for editing the various stories, that number seven in total. They will be finalizing those video projects for their final week of the summer program. 


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