Regent Park Focus Summer Program - Its a Wrap!

This week (Aug 21- 25) for the Regent Park Focus Summer Program, participants wrapped up video editing for the Neighbourhood Kickstart Summer Camp program and held a screening of the videos on Wednesday, August 23rd. Youth participants were also there to film for the screening and get feedback from the summer camp.

A few participants focused on preparing a segment on Student Life and Mental Health for Catch Da Flavour Youth Radio. For the first half of the segment, students had prepared a pre-recorded interview with registered psychologist and media personality Doctor Oren Amitay, to comment on the current climate of mental health among the student body. For their second half, they discussed their personal experiences in school and how it has affected their mental health.

A few other participants worked on developing their games, such as a Tic-Tac-Toe platform, a Pokemon-style game located in the neighbourhood of Regent Park, and a mental-health themed game. They have been diligent in their practiced and made a lot of headway in understanding how to use coding and different design platforms such as Gimp.

On Wednesday evening, some participants ventured out to try the new bike to do live radio shows around the neighbourhood. The bike was created with two seats and audio equipment, designed to take a radio show on the road. They were successful in biking to the local park during the “Taste of Regent Park” festival, and tried very hard to resolve technical difficulties with the equipment. They eventually came back with some interesting experiences and footage of their efforts and journey on the bike.


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