French Connection - French Food

Radio Regent
De Paris à Toronto – The French Connection

Our second show broadcast on Thursday May 18th was focused on French food in Toronto. We have been in Toronto for over a month now and we have to say that we miss French food!!! So the idea was to talk about this in our second show.

Where could you find french food in Toronto ? Where are the most popular french restaurants ? Is there any events in Toronto that promotes french products and food? We listened to a french chef who works in Lavelle, a restaurant in King Street. He spoke about his experience here, his ambitions and the way that he cooks french products. We also talked about the difference between French and Canadian food. What kind of food people love here ? How they eat ? Lastly our food radio show was an opportunity to talk about some nice places in Toronto where food has an important presence. Tune into French Connection every Thursday from 2 pm to 3 pm.

By Gabrielle Rousselle and Cassandra Chaillou producers and hosts of the French Connection Radio show.

Listen to Podcast:


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