Session 16: Divas Girls Talk About Consent

This week with the Diva Girls, we talked about consent. A lot of them were aware of what consent was; like consent forms and consent for other things. We watched a video about tea to further explain what consent is and make it easier for those who did not understand or know what consent is. After the video, we had a discussion on what consent is and how much they understood from it. The girls talked about how everything we do needs consent especially when you don’t feel comfortable with something. They understood how it is good to ask someone for permission when you want to do something, it is wrong to assume what other people want and people change their minds about certain things they want to do and it is acceptable. The girls then watched a slam poet talk about consent in seven different forms. After the break the girls were split up into different groups and each one was given a scenario where they had to figure out what needed consent and how the matter could be fixed. They all correctly pointed out where consent was needed and they came with brilliant solutions for each solution. The girls then had their circle rock time and each of them were asked to say something new that they learned about consent and with that the session ended.

Lysandra Lobo
February 17th 2017


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