Thursday July 28th 2016

Thursday July 28th 2016

As every other Thursday, today was another day of video game design with Eddie! For today, we decided to move away from 3DS Max a little bit and get into the Unreal Engine. He taught us a number of things like how you can create so many different types of games with Unreal Engine like first person shooters, third person games, vehicle driven games, birds eye view games, 2D games and a whole lot more. For Todays lesson, we just used the third person style. We started off by learning how to use the controls in Unreal and what all the basic options are. We then started modelling standard primitive objects like tables, chairs, etc. and then he taught us that we can actually enter the world as a pre-built character as we’re building it to test it out. He went to teaching us how to build stair cases and ramps for our characters to interact with. Once we got used to the basics of the Unreal Engine, we went back into 3DS Max and he taught us how to build something within the program and actually put it in Unreal Engine to use as an object. So overall, it was a really productive day of game design.

By: Pierce Holmes


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