Parachute Canada and Mikey The Platypus

On tonight’s Catch da Flava, we had a special 30minute segment with Parachute Canada. Parachute Canada is a national charitable organization dedicated to preventing injuries and saving lives. Alex Kelly, who is a senior program coordinator from parachute, came in to talk to us about the work parachute has done in Toronto, and also all across Canada. The main focus of our conversation was on parachutes #safe4life campaign which is a campaign centered on keeping young workers in the workplace. It educates on the rights that youth have in the workplace and also other things youth could do to protect themselves. One common theme that was mentioned was that at times, youth have a fear of speaking up in fear of losing their jobs. One key thing to remember is that youth and everybody else have the right to refuse unsafe work. I personally went through a situation like that at my first job, where I was afraid to say “no” when I was asked to do a precarious task.

You Tuber Michael Rizzi who goes by the name MikeyThePlatypus also joined us to talk about the #safe4life campaign. Michael is a self-described “quirky, gay Canadian who enjoys talking to his camera.” He joined us on air to discuss his work and involvement with the #safe4life campaign and how he plans on spreading the message across the Internet. Michaels YouTube channel can be found here:

For the second half of Catch da Flava, we touched on the tragedy that is the living conditions of Attawapiskat, which is an aboriginal reserve in Northern Ontario. Recently, 13 youth planned on committing suicide, but they were caught before anybody lost their lives. This has caught the attention of many all over the world, but it is sad that it took this long for people to realize that the Aboriginal communities all across North America are in similar situations to Attawapiskat. These communities have faced decades of discrimination and neglect from their respective governments. Suicide rates are highest among Aboriginal communities and that is not new. Something needs to be done to address not only mental health, but also living conditions, jobs and other social determinants of health. We all spoke about what we would individually do if either of us were prime minister of Canada.

To listen to the full podcast, visit:

By: Alex Ndungu


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