Divas Girls Group - PSA Pre-Production

Last week, the ladies of the Diva's Media Group gathered together to discuss and brainstorm their upcoming media project. The goal was to underline an important topic for a public service announcement. There were recurring subjects such as the Muslim religion, Isis, hijabs, radicalization etc. Accordingly, the girls decided to narrow their public service announcement on the misleading perception and preconceived notions of Muslims. Their intentions were to highlight the current issues of radicalization within communities. The PSA is a scenario that shows the negative influence that the media and the community has had on the younger generation, leading them to follow in others footsteps by mistreating Muslims. The PSA will express the issues of this new epidemic. The Divas had the opportunity to share and add their input to the scenario. As we discussed and developed the screenplay, different character roles were separated within the group. As an initiative, the girls thought it would also be more interesting to create an Audio version of a public service announcement that would be aired on Regen Radio in the future. The girls are very thrilled for this new media project!

by: Anne-Julie Guerrier


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