Workers Action Centre

Beixi Liu from the Workers Action Centre came to talk to us about Youth Rights at Work and the Employment Standards Act (ESA). He talked to us about the rights we have as an employer and when we can refuse unsafe work. It was also interesting to hear about when we can/ can’t get paid for vacation. It was also interesting to find out that Ontario has no sick days. Beixi thought that it was unfair too because when your sick you have no control, either you stay home and lose pay or you go to work and contaminate everyone. By the end of the workshop he talked to us about Fight For $15 and Fairness. This campaign wants to bring up the minimum wage to $15 so it raises us right above the poverty line. It was a very informative workshop we were all engaged and asking a lot of questions. It is a great workshop to have for youth because it reminds us and teaches us about our rights, which usually go ignored.

- Sadie


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