RPTV News: Profiling Centre for Social Innovation (CSI)

Last month for Regent Park TV News, we went over to The Centre for Social innovation to find out more information about this community organization. Our host Josh Robinson had the opportunity to interview Lissette Rosado Ferrari who works with CSI and was kind enough to explain how the organization functions and how the community can get involved.

Lisesette explained that CSI is just over a year old and it is already home to over 60 organizations that benefit the local and broader community. One of their larger initiatives is DECA (Desk Exchange Community Animator) that allows people to volunteer one day a week at one of the locations in exchange for full membership at CSI including their own workspace.

I addition to the DECA program the community can also get involved by being an online community member or The Agents of Change Program which pics a winner who receives free space for their initiative within CSI.


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