Inspirit: Interfaith Dialogue: Regent Park Community Ministry

As part of our continued series on faith and spirituality, we had a member of The Regent Park Community Ministry come in and discuss what they do and what they hope to accomplish with their organization. Kevin Moore, who is connected to the United Church of Canada sat down with our host Omar and had an informative discussion about faith and Christianity.

The Regent Park Community Minisitry is located at 40 Oak St., which is home to the CRC (Christian Resource Centre) and hosts a community hub that provides shared spaces to community service organizations that offer a range of support such as language instruction, job training, after-school programs and drop-in groups.

The ministry hosts various discussion groups, such as their coffee discussion group which brings together people of various faiths such as: Hindu, Christian and Muslim. This group in particular talks about each person's faith journey and the obstacles and joys they have faced. During nice weather the ministry also likes to host outdoor services for the community. 

Our host asked Kevin about homosexuality within The United Church and his answer was very open minded and inclusive. Kevin mentioned that The United Church was the first church to ordain openly homosexual ministers and that the church's focus has been on inclusivity and bringing the broader community together.   

The ministry is also interested in getting youth of the community involved, so they have made both a facebook and twitter page!

On a closing note, Kevin mention that what is most remarkable in doing work with people of various faiths is the amount the religions have in common. Each individual faith is interested in wide ranging topics such as promoting economic prosperity, gender roles of men and women and community.


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