In Diva Mode! Photography, Public Service Announcements and Dramas, Oh My!

The Divas have been really productive the last few weeks in producing and creating all kinds of media including photos and audio recordings. Last week the girls had a chance to edit their photos from the architectural photography workshop we did. We discussed ways on improving our photos and how to make them more interesting. To give the photographs an extra layer of meaning, we discussed our feelings surrounding the current revitalization project and how people come to understand it in many different ways. We have yet to discuss how or if we are going to present these in a more public matter. Below you will find some of the highlights from our excursion.

The Divas also worked on Public Service announcements for a local Kingston radio station. The topics they chose to speak about were the pressures associated with school and parental pressure as well as the detrimental effects of bullying and teens. We will have them up and edited for you enjoyment soon. Stay tuned for more from the Divas Girls!


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