Radio Show - Tuition Costs

I joined Issac and Omar to host a radio show surrounding the increasing tuition rates in Canada, and comparing the cost of post secondary with schools in the United States and also in the UK. For this radio show we were also joined by Esen, Ihsan, and Tyrone who shared their experiences with dealing with their tuition costs. The radio show consisted of various ways in which students can make their tuition more affordable: either through bursaries, loans, and grants (ie) scholarships. Surrounding the topic of the importance of education, we played two spoken word videos: the first was titled "I will not let an exam result decide my fate" by Sullbreezy. This was a good spoken word piece as it focuses on how our society labels our worth by what kind of degree we obtained from post secondary education, or if we have even had the opportunity to go to school. It also questions why the school system continues to base our intelligence on exam marks and how it is an unfair chance for students because not all people perform their best under that kind of pressure. The second spoken word piece that we broadcasted was titled "The Black Bruins" by Sy Stokes. This was a very powerful piece that focused on the injustices surrounding the African American student body at UCLA. Stokes talked about how a majority of them are accepted to the school because of their athletic ability, and the kind of message it sends to younger African Americans because it perceives the message that as long as you're good at sports, your marks don't necessarily matter. Education is important, but it is more important to stand up for individual and collective rights and to defend your personal right to learn. No factor should ever come in the way of reaching your full potential, but at the same time we cannot be bound by examination grades to determine how intelligent we truly are.

By: Mark Florendo


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