Summer Program - Trayvon Martin Case Research (Trevonne)

Today we were joined by 2 new youth participants and they seem to be enjoying the program so far which is great.

Over the weekend the summer crew had a little bit of homework to do and that was to research and familiarize ourselves with the Trayvon Martin case as well as look at other examples of self defense cases that have taken place in Ontario.
We're going to be producing a show meant to educate youth on law. Erin came back in for another visit today and we all discussed more on the topic as well as some cases that a few of us found in our research. Everybody discussed different examples of when self defense is no longer defense and the different between abuse and when the claim if applicable.
It was a very good discussion but we're going to be saving the real passion for the production of the show, which will be a good one. All in all today was another good day at
Regent Park Focus.

Tresvonne Rose-Wilson


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