Diva Girls Program October 5, 2012
Diva Girls Program October 5, 2012
This past week the girls in the diva girls program
continued working on their character sketch stories. We started the day off
participating in ice breaker activities that allowed the girls to learn more
about each other in a fun atmosphere. Along with the ice breaker activity, the
girls also enjoyed playing a round of "word and colour association".
The girls had to restrain themselves from helping each other as one girl after
the other took turns completing the challenge.
After the ice breaker activity, the girls learned that
there was an added bonus to this weeks program. The group with the best story
would be awarded a prize for following the guideline and inputing the most
original content into their story. The girls stepped up to the challenge and genuinely
impressed Pat and myself, their ability to transform a simple guideline into
such imaginative tales was very impressive.
R.T. Mujuzi