My Experience at Focus as an Intern from Ireland!

Hi everyone, My name is Maria and I've come to Toronto all the way from Ireland to work with Regent Park Focus for seven weeks as part of a cultural and training program. I'm into my second week of being in Toronto and working in Regent Park Focus. So far, I'm enjoying every minute of my time in Canada and of course working in Focus. I should maybe explain a little about how I ended up being here in Toronto and working for Focus. Back home in Ireland, I applied for a nineteen week program called, Springboard. The course name is 'Wider Horizons'. It's a program which is open to anyone interested in furthering their knowledge and experience. It offers the chance for a person to gain the crucial experience they need to hopefully be able to eventually have a career in an area of work which they love. Mine being film production, photography, editing & music. I got a perfect placement in terms of all those things, since Focus offers them all and more. There were nine weeks of training prior to coming to Canada, in which we all went through different training programs and workshops including First Aid, Health & Safety along with some fun stuff too. Such as, a self-defense class, film and photography taster session, music production taster session and even hip-hop dancing. But with only twenty-one places on a program with such high demand, it can be a little difficult getting in. Luckily, I was chosen for the course along with twenty other people. And here I am. At Focus, I work as a Media Assistant. Last week I was working on a video for Regent Park Focus' 20th Anniversary celebration. I really enjoy my work here at Focus, there are lots of different departments to work in, contribute to and be a part of. I'm loving Toronto and working in Focus, so much so that I really don't want to leave. I have five weeks left which is a long time and I'm determined to make the most of those weeks by working for Focus, getting to know the staff here, meeting new people and seeing Toronto. The people I've met so far, especially here at Focus, are amazing. Focus has a great atmosphere and it's been really nice being a part of it for the two weeks so far. So far it's been a very enjoyable experience and I'm sure the five weeks to come will be just as good, if not better.

- Maria


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