Divas Girls Group

My name is Hani. I am a student from George Brown College in the Community Worker Program. I am a coordinator in training, with in the Divas Program at Regent Park Focus. The program is for girls between the ages of 11 to 16 years of age and it happens every Friday. We had a couple of new girls who were interested in the Divas program. This Friday, the girls came together and did educational workshops about healthy decision making with Public health Nurse (Tina). Before Tina began, the girls enjoyed a healthy snack.

 Furthermore, they discussed how to make healthy decisions. The girls were very involved with activities that Tina created for them. They discussed the six steps to decision making/problem solving. For example, the first step they discussed was “ Identify and define the problem. Consider what an optimal outcome or goal might be.” Second step was to “list possible options/alternatives or choices. Third step was to “evaluate the options and gather information if needed.” Fourth step was to “Choose one option and consider its outcome”.” Fifth step, “ make a plane and do it.” Last step was to “ evaluate the problem and solution.” They were empowered and wanted to share their experiences of how hard it is to make good decisions. Lastly, the girls did their journals at the end of the workshop.


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