Catch da Flava Youth Radio

Hello everyone,

First of all, I would like to start by saying how much I enjoy and feel proud to be a part of the Regent Park Focus programs. Ever since I set my foot on the Focus door back when it was at the Dundas street location 6 years ago, and I was a placement student, I knew then that this is the place I want to work in and grow with the organization as well. I had pictured a great environment to help the kids at risk with great mentoring and assisting them with their creative talents and teamwork skills. I was put in charge with the Media Lab supervision, Comic Arts instruction, and my most favorite of all, the Radio program in which I was the Radio Coordinator of the 'Catchdaflava radio'. Catchdaflava radio has been delivering as always the topics of global, social, political, and entertaining issues . In this program I had the privilege to work with the youth and the volunteers to coordinate with the radio show as well. Working with Zeebe and David is quite an experience in which they both bring different perspective and different force of energy to the radio program. Zeebe with her iron fist and intense style, while David the laid back, but smooth talking style. Overall, our radio format has changed and much better structured now than ever. The youth are always fun and ecstatic as usual and bring in more energy week after week. We have worked on crazy music bumps and currently working on commercials and PSAs. Overall, I am thankful and glad I am part of the change that is happening with the Radio Regent.

love Jerry Z.


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