March Break Madness - Day 3

We had thirteen youths taking part in Wednesday’s activities. The morning was devoted to physical activity and teamwork—we booked gym time at the Regent Park South Community Centre. The entire group took part in a game of dodge ball that was a total hoot. The staff and supervisors were very grateful that everyone respected the fact that this was first and foremost, a fun activity. Natural competitiveness was kept in check and everyone stuck to the rule of no aiming above the mid chest area. It was quite comical to observe the more senior staff and volunteers running around trying to keep up with 11, 12, and thirteen year-olds.
Following the dodge ball activity, participants broke into smaller groups to play basketball, badminton, or table tennis. Once again, a good time was had by all.

In the afternoon, a local dance troupe came to the Centre to offer a workshop and instruction. The instructors led a series of exercises that focused on balance, flexibility, and rhythm. The kids took part enthusiastically (yes, even the boys). The adult supervisors (this writer included) meanwhile, quickly bowed out in advance of making complete fools of ourselves.


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