Recent happenings at Diva Girls Lord Dufferin, Duke of York and Focus!

After the happy holidays, the Diva Girls Group resumed their meetings in the schools Lord Dufferin, and Duke of York, as well as at Focus. Starting off the year was activities such as playdoh scultptures inspired by the amazing, strong poetry of Maya Angelou, and studies in the imagery of dynamic painter Jean Michel Basquiat.

On the media issues side, the Divas participated in a session on the Facebook/Twitter interface, where we talked about the new dangers and troubles of these internet based social networking sites. Another serious issue covered was violence at school--especially aggression targeted at young women. In a film documentary by the NFB, the shootings of Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal and it's after affects were discussed and examined. Awareness about oppression is a pressing topic, and was handled delicately. One of the Divas mentioned she had not known that small incidents can snowball into huge problems requiring community attention and healing.
But at Divas we never forget to have fun, and that we did, with a simple version of Divas Bingo for Valentines! Sarah had lead Duke of York girls in an energetic game of inventive relay racing. We shared lots of snacks, looked at the art and culture of hip hop and played charades! Lots more to happen in the up coming Diva Girls Group!


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