William Kuan Is A Finalist in

Regent Park Focus Photography Studio's very own William Kuan was one of ten finalist in the “Our City, Our Stories” photography contest. The contest was aimed at building youth skills in the digital arts, visual storytelling, self expression, engagement and leadership in their communities. Program sessions took place in five different communities across Toronto including Jane & Finch, Scarborough, Rexdale, Etobicoke and our very own Regent Park. The 10-week fall program at Regent Park took place after-school every Wednesday at the Regent Park Focus Youth Media Arts Centre.

William used his friend Tresvonne Rose-Wilson as his photography subject. This is what William said about his photo project:

“When I was creating this photo story, I was just trying to have fun. That’s it. Every time I took a picture of my good friend Tresvonne Rose-Wilson, I never had any thoughts. I was just being myself and he was being himself. I took photos of Tresvonne doing the things that he likes to do. It’s really amazing how he gives off such a bold statement without even using words. To be honest, I didn't realize I had a photo story. My instructor showed me I did. Thanks Nick!”

On February 18, 2010, the "Our City, Our Story" Photos was exhibited in the rotunda of City Hall. In a formal ceremony held in the evening Mayor David Miller and other dignitaries were on hand to say a few words and congratulate William and the other finalists. Congratulation William!


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