Glen Murray on Catch da Flava Radio

On Tuesday, February 2, Glen Murray, the Liberal Candidate in the February 4 provincial by-election in the riding of Toronto Centre-Rosedale (which includes Regent Park) paid a visit to Regent Park Focus and was interviewed live by Catch da Flava Radio correspondents Bipu, Amer, and Ishtiaque. Mr. Murray is no stranger to the political scene, having served as mayor of Winnipeg for many years.

A number of issues of particular importance to residents of the Park were discussed including the ongoing revitalization of Regent Park. He expressed a strong commitment to improving the affordable housing situation in the area. He also stressed the importance of arts and culture as a means of building strong communities and pointed to specific measures that are taking into account the ethnic diversity in Regent Park. Murray also discussed his belief that public input will play a large part in the political decision making process if he is elected. The interview aired later that evening on CKLN Ryerson radio along with a pre-recorded interview of Cathy Crowe.

Please note in the interest of democracy Regent Park Focus Youth Magazine provides a forum for political candidates to share their platform with the community. Regent Park Focus does not support any one part.

By Joe Sher

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