The Making of Drug Awareness Public Service Announcements

The Drug Awareness Classroom Door and Poster Contest is in full swing. The contest was announced at an assembly held a week earlier as part of the Regent Park Focus Drug Awareness Contest. Students are currently working with their classmates to research information on drugs and to design their classroom doors and hallways with creative posters and messages about the negative effects of drug use. The judging is to take place on the morning of December 10, 2009.

As part of the Drug Awareness Program several classes were invited to take part in creating audio public services announcements (PSAs)on drugs. To inspire them, on November 19th, Regent Park Focus staff held a workshop at the school on making PSAs. At the workshop students watched and listened to videos and radio drug awareness PSA’s produced by Regent Park Focus in the past. After a short discussion about all the PSAs that were presented, students went back to their classes to research and write their own PSA scripts. On December 1 Regent Park Focus staff returned with equipment to record the students work. In total the students created 11 PSA’s. The school will begin broadcasting the PSA’s over the school PA system on December 10.

In addition to the contest and making public service announcement, some of the students are also creating short raps and role plays. I’m looking forward to seeing all the posters, plays, and performances this Thursday, December 10th. From what I’ve seen so far on my visits to the school, it looks like there is going to be some really amazing work!


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