Drug Awareness Judging Day

If you happen to stroll down the second floor hallway of Sprucecourt Jr. School you would be greeted with all sorts of posters, messages, pamphlets, illustrations and type written stories all on the theme of drugs. That’s because today is the judging of the Regent Park Focus Drug Awareness Classroom Door and Poster Competition and students were anxious to exhibit their work. The judging of posters concludes three weeks of educational drug awareness activities including a school assembly with panel speakers, a video screening, the creation of audio public service announcements and of course the making of posters and other art work illustrating the negative effects of drugs. Our panel of esteem judges for the day was; Barb Macpherson, representing Toronto Public Health; Lorna Blake, a member of the Regent Park Focus Advisory Committee; Brenda and Rainbow Bear from Rainbow Cinema; and two officers from 51 Division of the Metropolitan Toronto Police. The judges visited each of the participating classes and heard from the students about all the different activities they did as a class to create their work. Afterwards two students from each class took them on a tour of their exhibition. The judges rated the work for creativity, content and clarity of message and were very impressed with what they saw. Following the exhibition of the work the judges met to decide the winners. It was very difficult to decide but in the end two classrooms were announced as winners. Congratulations to room 203 and 211. Both classes will celebrate over a pizza lunch donated by Pizza Pizza. Everyone however will go home a winner. In addition to learning a lot about drugs and their effects each student received a movie pass donated by Rainbow Cinema. The drug awareness posters will remain on display until mid January.


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