Summer Photography

Summer Photography: Week 6

We started week six of the photography program with the youth from k-club by editing photos in the computer lab that we had taken last week. As the summer program was coming to an end we went out and shot lots of photos of Regent Park. The youth got some really good final project shots including a family outside their home with a “Think about the children” sign in their front window. The last part of week six was spent on going through and editing photos in Lightroom.

To start week six with Dixon hall we talked about what in Regent Park we hadn’t yet photographed. We talked about each kids best photos, in relation to interest of subject, composition and lighting. Last, the kids went out and shot in two separate groups and came back and uploaded their photos onto the computers.

The Focus Girls Group started by uploading the photos they had taken the last couple of weeks. They got some really good shots of their family that could definately be used for the final gallery showing. After uploading we went through the photos and chose the strongest ones. Last the girls group wrote a couple of sentences about each of their strongest photos, talking about who was in the photo and what that family member meant to them. These captions are to accompany the photos when they are displayed at the final exhibition.

For week six of the photography summer program with Central Neighbourhood Housing (CNH), we started by quickly introducing the youth to documentary photography and photojournalism. The youth talked about some photos they had seen in the news recently and what kind of story those pictures told. The CNH youth were then given cameras and went out in two separate groups and shot photos. Our topic was to capture life in Regent Park. After an hour or so of shooting we came back and looked and the photos the youth had taken. The CNH youth did a really good job of capturing life in the community and got a lot of great shots. Last, we put the strongest of everyone’s photos in a slideshow.

Summer Photography: Week 7

K-club and the Focus Girls group spent the final week of the photography summer program in the computer lab doing their final edits. The K-club youth focused on choosing their best Regent Park photos to be exhibited at a gallery, and their best individual project photos to be made into a slideshow and posted on the focus website. The Girls group spent their time choosing their best family shots to be shown at the gallery and writing short captions for each photo. The final pieces from all of the photography summer program members was really impressive and we all look forward to the exhibition of the work they have done in the past 7 weeks at Regent Park Focus.


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